NVIDIA pierde a su CFO

Se va al retiro

No solo AMD pierde gente importante, NVIDIA ahora anuncio que Marvin D. Burkett, su CFO o Chief Financial Officer, dejara la compañía, claro que a diferencia de AMD el se va a retiro.
El comunicado dice:[INDENT]NVIDIA Corporation (Nasdaq: NVDA), the world leader in visual computing technologies, today announced that Marvin D. Burkett, Chief Financial Officer, informed the Company on March 21, 2008 of his intention to retire. Mr. Burkett is expected to remain as Chief Financial Officer while a search is conducted to find his replacement, and he may continue in some capacity with the Company thereafter. NVIDIA has commenced the process to recruit a new Chief Financial Officer.[/INDENT][/COLOR][/SIZE]En español y palabras simples, el Sr. Burkett este 21 de marzo le comento a NVIDIA que se quería retirar, su salida aun esta pendiente y el esperara hasta que NVIDIA encuentre a un sucesor digno. Se espera que a pesar de estar retirado el Sr. Burkett siga participando en la empresa de alguna manera.

Fuente: DVHardware

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