Ahora puedes ver temperaturas sin apretar nada.
OCCT, ( OverClock Checking Tool ) una herramienta que entrega información de tu sistema (benchmark) y ayuda en las tareas de overclock, denominada también “Perestroika”, ya está bajo la versión 2.0.0 RC2, traducida en más idiomas, incluyendo Español. Éste programa permite estresar tu CPU y reportar errores en caso de.
Algunas mejoras son:
* New test routines (CPU is now generating much more heat, RAM is a bit faster to detect errors, and Mix(instead of CPU-RAM) now alternates CPU and RAM tests (you’ll see it in the temperature graphs)). The way the threads are dealing with different cores is much, much different too.
* CPU-Z and HWMonitor SDK integrated – Now there’s a built-in monitoring included and the CPU-Z engine is used to get system information
* Graphs revamp : the scales are now much easier to read
* CSV output : you can output CSV files and thus produce your own graphs with it
* GUI revamp : you can now select the test type directly from the main frame (so people won’t miss it anymore !)
* Auto test is now 1 hour long – 30min was considered too short by alot of people
Puedes descargarlo haciendo click aquí.
Fuente: Mi Correo.