Verguenza para AMD y NVIDIA en HD

Empate a 0 en las pruebas

En Anandtech hicieron una serie de pruebas de HD, basadas en el bench HD HQV de Silicon Optix.

Tanto NVIDIA como AMD fallaron en todas las pruebas marcando 0 puntos en todas las 5 pruebas.

Noise Reduction

Both AMD and NVIDIA score a flat zero on this test.

Video Resolution Loss

AMD averages fields and thus looses detail. NVIDIA doubles the scanlines in one field and eliminates half of the data


Once again, AMD and NVIDIA both fail to eliminate diagonal aliasing.

Film Resolution Loss

Like the video resolution loss test, both NVIDIA and AMD fail this test.

Film Resolution Loss – Stadium Test

When playing on AMD hardware, flickering is apparent in the stadium. While NVIDIA hardware doesn’t flicker, a moiré pattern is apparent in the stands.

The overall result?


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Fuente: Anandtech


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